Where will you be in 20 years? The City of Monroe is asking community members to work together to create a visionary blueprint for the future of our City. This updated 2044 Comprehensive Plan will analyze population and employment growth, housing, transportation, parks, the environment, and many other features to guide development and decision-making in the future.

Input from the community is essential to the development of the vision, goals, and policy statements. We need you to be part of the community-wide discussion to update existing and create new policies and actions for a wide range of topics. This process represents an opportunity for residents, regardless of income, education, ethnicity or race, and the business community to share their ideas for the future of Monroe, both in terms of near-term actions and a long-term vision.


Review the draft Comprehensive Plan under ‘Project Documents’. The City released a Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS) over the summer and gathered public input on different elements of the Comprehensive Plan. 

Join us for upcoming workshops and public hearings with the City Council!

During the workshops, City Council will review and discuss the final draft of the city’s Comprehensive Plan and Future Land Use Map. During the public hearings, the City Council will hear public testimony and take formal action on the Comprehensive Plan update, Future Land Use Map, citywide zoning changes, and pre-annexation actions for unincorporated Monroe. The Planning Commission held workshops and a public hearing in September.

Save the date!

  • City Council Workshops: October 1st, 15th, and 22nd
  • City Council Public Hearing: Tuesday, November 12th @ 7:00 PM

Get Involved


Project documents

As the update to the Monroe Comprehensive Plan Update moves forward, associated documents will be posted for public information and review. Check here frequently, as documents will be posted on a regular basis.

Additional Documents

Monroe 2044 Environmental Review

Monroe’s Comprehensive Plan is updated about every 10 years. The update includes an environmental impact statement as a requirement of the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) to identify potential adverse impacts, and possible mitigation measures. The City of Monroe issued the Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS) on May 14, 2024, you can review the document in its entirety or by chapter below:

Full Draft SEIS

Chapter 0: Front Matter

Chapter 1: Summary

Chapter 2: Alternatives

Chapter 3: Land Use, Aesthetics, and Parks, Recreation, and Open Space

Chapter 4: Shorelines and Natural Environment

Chapter 5: Population, Employment, and Housing

Chapter 6: Capital Facilities and Utilities

Chapter 7: Transportation

Chapter 8: Cumulative Impacts

Chapter 9: Distribution List

Chapter 10: References

A SEIS is an informational document that provides the City, public, and other agencies with environmental information to be considered in the decision-making process related to the 2024 Update. It also allows the public and government agencies to comment on the alternatives. The Draft SEIS analyzes two alternatives: the No Action Alternative and the Proposed Action.

You can learn more about SEPA by viewing the Washington Department of Ecology State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) Handbook. Read more on how to review and comment on SEPA documents here.

Public Comment Period

The City of Monroe requested comments from citizens, agencies, tribes, and all interested parties on the Draft SEIS from May 14, 2024 to June 14, 2024. Written, mailed, and verbal comments were due by 4:30 PM PST, June 14, 2024.


The update to the Monroe Comprehensive Plan is anticipated to be a two-year process. Below is a summary of the overall schedule. A variety of community outreach and public engagement activities that will be held throughout the process. Check back frequently and/or sign up for our email notifications to stay up to date. 

The final deadline for adoption of any updates related to this project is December 2024.

Summer-Winter 2022: Monroe Today

Constraints and Opportunites (current)

  • Baseline Conditions Analysis
  • Regulatory and Equity Audit
  • Identify Issues and Opportunities
  • Joint Planning Commission and City Council Meeting
  • SEPA Scoping

Winter 2022/2023

Exploring Options for Monroe’s Future (upcoming)

  • Exploring Options for Monroe’s Future (upcoming)
  • Community Priorities Workshop
  • Identify Areas of Potential Change
  • Study and Identify Land Use/Transportation Options
  • Land Use Mapping Open House 
  • Prepare Facility Plan and Transportation Plan Updates

Spring 2023 – Winter 2024

Preparing a Plan for Monroe 2044 (upcoming)

  • Prepare Draft Comprehensive Plan 
  • Prepare Draft Environmental Impact Study
  • Public Review of Documents
  • Comprehensive Plan Open House

Summer-Fall 2024

Adopting the Monroe 2044 Comprehensive Plan (upcoming)

  •  Adopt Final 2044 General Plan and Environmental Impact Study
  • Planning Commission and City Council Public Hearings

Community Engagement (ongoing)

  • Stakeholder Meetings and Focus Groups
  • Community Advisory Committee Meetings
  • Community Priorities Workshop
  • Future Land Use Map Open House
  • Comprehensive Plan Open House
  • Pop-up Events
  • Online Survey
  • Social Media
  • Email Campaigns
  • Planning Commission and City Council Meetings

Summer 2022 - Winter 2023: Monroe Today

Constraints and Opportunities (completed)

  • Baseline Conditions Analysis (Assessment and Plans Review)
  • Inclusive Planning Assessment
  • Identify Issues and Opportunities
  • Joint Planning Commission and City Council Meeting

Spring 2023 - Summer 2023

Exploring Options for Monroe’s Future (completed)

  • Community Priorities Workshop
  • Identify Areas of Potential Change
  • SEPA Scoping
  • Study and Identify Land Use/Transportation Options
  • Land Use Mapping Open House
  • Prepare Facility Plan and Transportation Plan Updates

Fall 2023 - Winter 2024

Preparing a Plan for Monroe 2044 (completed)

  • Prepare Draft Comprehensive Plan
  • Prepare Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Study
  • Public Review of Documents
  • Comprehensive Plan Open House

Summer-Fall 2024

Adopting the Monroe 2044 Comprehensive Plan (current)

  • Adopt Final 2044 General Plan and Supplemental Environmental Impact Study
  • Planning Commission and City Council Public Hearings

Community Engagement (ongoing)

  • Stakeholder Meetings and Focus Groups
  • Community Advisory Committee Meetings
  • Community Priorities Workshop
  • Future Land Use Map Open House
  • Comprehensive Plan Open House
  • Pop-up Events
  • Online Survey
  • Social Media
  • Email Campaigns
  • Planning Commission and City Council Meetings

Contact us

We look forward to hearing from you! Sharing your ideas will help shape Monroe’s future and help us understand important issues.

There are several ways to be involved in the 2024 Update.

Sign up
to receive text or email notifications, including our newsletter, information about outreach events, surveys, and other public participation opportunities.

submit a comment
related to the 2024 Comprehensive Plan Update. This form can also be used to contact us with any questions about the Comprehensive Plan process or to request more information.

Review the Plan
And Add Your Voice!

We’ve been hard at work! Review each chapter and add your input on the draft Comprehensive Plan here:


You can also join us for an upcoming public hearing with the City Council!

The City Council will hear public testimony and take formal action on the Comprehensive Plan update, Future Land Use Map, citywide zoning changes, and pre-annexation actions for unincorporated Monroe. The Planning Commission held a public hearing on September 30th.

City Council Public Hearing – Tuesday, November 12th @ 7:00 PM